Samastipur News: There was a stir on Wednesday (December 11) night due to firing during a wedding ceremony in Samastipur. The incident took place in Morba Anandpur village of Tajpur police station area. A young man was shot by some people at a banquet organized during a wedding ceremony. He died in this incident. The deceased has been identified as Mohd., resident of Chaknoor of Mufassil police station area. Mohd., son of Mahtab Uddin. Born as Aman (22 years).
The body has been sent to Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The reason behind the murder is not yet known. The matter will become clear after investigation and arrest of those who committed the murder. It is said that the marriage of Sukhdev Rai’s son was in Ward No. 7 of Anandpur village. Mo. Aman had reached Sukhdev Rai’s nephew around 9.15 pm on Wednesday night. However, the marriage procession had left for Patepur in Vaishali district. There was a feast before the wedding procession. People were passing through the wedding procession while eating.
Someone among the friends who were together shot him
Local people say that Mohd. Aman had come in a four-wheeler with four-five youths. They ate and drank together and in the meantime they were shot. He fell on the ground in injured condition. After getting information about the incident, police reached the local police station. With the help of local people, people took him to Sadar Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
What did ASP cum Sadar SDPO say?
After getting information about the incident, ASP cum Sadar SDPO Sanjay Kumar Pandey reached the hospital. After taking information from the family of the deceased, the police has started further action. The police have started raiding to arrest the miscreants. ASP cum Sadar SDPO Sanjay Kumar Pandey said that the youth was hit by three bullets. Three shell casings have been recovered from the incident site. The miscreants involved in the incident will be caught soon.
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