Samajwadi Party chief and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav has said that there is no restriction on his children’s entry into politics. He said that from his side the children have the freedom to do what they want to do in their life and what they want to study. He said that only sometimes he guides his children, otherwise there is no restriction from his side.
In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Akhilesh Yadav’s elder daughter Aditi Yadav had campaigned for her mother Dimple Yadav in the urban and rural areas of Mainpuri parliamentary constituency. He went from village to village and appealed to the people to vote for his mother. Aditi is 21 years old and studies in London. Lok Sabha elections During this time she came on holidays for two months.
In an interview, Akhilesh Yadav said, ‘When the summer was at its peak, I told him to go to every village and meet the people, only then will he know and realize how difficult a job politics is. They should not just watch politics from a distance. They should at least realize how tough politics is. We all go through so many things.
When Akhilesh Yadav was asked whether he had any other career option other than politics, he said that yes, there were many options, but now he thinks that if he had gone anywhere, in the end he would have felt that he had to come into politics. . Talking more about children, he said, ‘I am not strict. Netaji was also not strict, but sometimes he was strict. I have left the children to their choice. Whatever they like, whatever they want to read, whatever they want to move ahead, I have left it to their choice, but sometimes I guide them. I tell them from time to time. If anyone comes with a query. Aditi, Tina and Arjun have two daughters and one son. Tina and Arjun are twins.
He further said that the children have grown up. They are growing in this generation so they have their own likes and dislikes. There is a lot to learn from them. Regarding food, he does good cooking. Regarding music because we cannot hear it. So they get to know what latest music is playing right now.
Akhilesh Yadav said about his children that the thinking, understanding and words of this generation are very different. The way they interact. If you don’t talk or sit with them, you probably won’t understand. He said that whenever he stays at home, he definitely talks to the children about their studies and what is going on. Nowadays, we get a lot of information from the children.
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