After blasting first pagers, then walkie-talkies, then radio sets and then solar panels, Israel has dropped so many bombs that the whole of Lebanon has turned into smoke. Nearly 500 fighters of Hezbollah in Lebanon have been killed and more than 1600 hideouts have been destroyed. Israel’s recent war against Hamas in Palestine has been going on for almost a year. Israel is continuously attacking the Houthis in Yemen. It has been less than a month since Israel dropped deadly bombs in Syria’s Masyaf and Hama areas and kidnapped many Iranian scientists from there. Israel’s intelligence agency has already killed Hamas chief Ismail Haniya by going to Iran’s capital Tehran…so who is left.
One country and so many enemies. Why? Why is Israel the only enemy of every country in the Middle East? Why have Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and Syria become such enemies of Israel that Israel keeps fighting them every day? Whether the rest attack or not, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan are also not friends of Israel. So is this issue only of Islam versus Jews? Or is this entire war about maintaining and protecting oneself in the Middle East? Or is the reason behind all this enmity of Israel the oil game, in which the player is not Israel but America.
The only Jewish country among 16 Muslim countries
The countries you see on the map of Middle East include Israel on one side, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE and Yemen. Total 14 countries. The other two countries Turkey and Libya are also considered part of Middle East. So there are total 16 countries. And out of these 16 countries, 15 are Muslim, while the only Jewish country is Israel. And the history of the formation of Israel is the biggest root of the conflict.
The fight started for a piece of land
It started after the end of the Second World War. When the Second World War ended, Britain also started to withdraw its colonies. And then the Arab people got freedom. They wanted a new country for themselves. At the same time, Jews were also oppressed in the world. After the end of the World War, they also wanted a country so that they could live in peace. The trouble started when both the communities, i.e. Muslims and Jews, started to make that big piece of land freed from Britain as their country. And from here a big fight started between Muslims and Jews.
When was Israel and Palestine formed?
By then the United Nations had been formed to establish peace between the countries of the world. In 1947, it proposed that that big piece of land be divided into two parts. In 1948, on the initiative of the UN, the division happened and a new country Israel was formed. The country of Jews. The only Jewish country in the world. Those who were non-Jews, came to the other piece. Their population was about 13 lakhs. It was called Palestine, but then some Muslim countries did not like the formation of Israel. In the beginning, the opponents of Israel were only Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. Apart from that, Palestine was there.
Six Day War
As soon as Israel was formed, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria together attacked Israel. Arguments argue that the attack happened because Israel had tortured Muslims and forced them to flee. Another argument is that all these Muslim countries considered Israel to be a model of foreign rule, so they attacked. Whatever the argument may be, the result was that all the countries together could not harm Israel. But now those newly formed countries had become Israel’s declared enemies. And Israel kept fighting with these countries from time to time, which sometimes used to become very big. During the Six Day War of 1967, Yemen was also involved in the attack against Israel. So it also became Israel’s enemy.
How did the enmity with Iran start
Even then, neither Iran, nor Lebanon, nor Iraq nor Turkey was involved in this enmity. Even then, they were not Israel’s friends, but they were not its enemies either. Their enmity started with the Iranian Revolution. In 1979, Shah Reza Pahlavi’s rule ended in Iran and on February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Khamenei returned to the country as Iran’s supreme religious leader. More than 50 lakh people gathered on the streets of Tehran to welcome him. After Ayatollah Khamenei’s return, a referendum was held in Iran and then Iran was declared an Islamic country. With the declaration of an Islamic country, Ayatollah Khamenei questioned the existence of Israel. He broke off relations with Israel. He rejected its passport and confiscated the Israeli embassy in Tehran and said that the country is only Palestine, not Israel. Then Khamenei said that Israel is the small devil for Muslims while the big devil is America. How did Israel become the enemy of Iraq? In this way Israel got another enemy country Iran. But Israel was harmed by Iran’s enmity. And the harm was that Iran used to buy weapons from Israel on a large scale. Iran got weapons from this and Israel got money. But when the enmity started, both the countries started getting harmed. Meanwhile, Iraq led by Saddan Hussain felt that Iran had become weak due to the Islamic revolution, so Iraq could attack and capture a part of it. So Iraq attacked Iran. In such a situation, Iran again asked for help from Israel. And Israel also had to earn money by selling weapons. So Israel sold weapons to Iran which it used against Iraq. Now since Iran was buying weapons, giving money. So Israel helped Iran a little more. And the Israeli Air Force destroyed Iraq’s only nuclear plant by bombing it. In this way Israel also made Iraq its enemy.
History of enmity with Lebanon
This was the same period when Palestine was also fighting for its independence. And in this fight, Palestine also got the support of Lebanon, because when millions of Palestinians had to be displaced during the formation of Israel, many of them fled and took refuge in Lebanon. They were angry against Israel. And they needed someone’s support to vent that anger. So Palestine supported those refugees of Lebanon. Iran was there too. Because even though it had bought weapons from Israel for the war against Iraq, it was still Israel’s enemy. And in such a situation, in 1982, those refugees of Lebanon along with about 1500 fighters of the Iranian army formed an army and named it Hezbollah. So in this way Lebanon and Hezbollah became enemies of Israel. And the same enmity continues till today. Now, as far as Turkey is concerned, it can neither be called a friend nor an enemy of Israel.
Fight for oil
All the enemy countries of Israel have oil reserves. Reserves of crude oil. And Iran and Iraq have the most oil. So every country in the world wants to capture these oil reserves. Be it America or anyone else. So, it may seem to us that Israel is fighting all its enemies alone, but it is not so. In this fight, every country in the world including America, Britain and France, which needs oil, is standing with Israel. So, people may keep saying that the Jewish country Israel is fighting alone against Islamic countries, but in reality, the game is not of Islam vs Jews, but of oil. And the world is getting destroyed in the game of oil. Because if the fight was only of Islam vs Jews, then Indonesia with about 13 percent Islamic population of the world would also have been Israel’s enemy and Bangladesh with about 9 percent population would also have been Israel’s enemy.
About 10 percent of the world’s Muslim population is also in India, but it is neither an enemy of Israel nor of Palestine. And as far as Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt and other enemies of Israel are concerned, they are not only enemies of Israel but also enemies of America. And the reason for their enmity with America is not Israel but the huge oil reserves they have, which America has its eyes on.
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