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Why do people like to sleep in the dark? Know how it affects the brain

Sound Sleep Benefits: Falling asleep is a natural process. Every person definitely sleeps for about 8 hours including day and night. One who sleeps less or cannot sleep at all. Doctors start considering him in the category of being ill. But have you ever thought that people do not get through the day properly. People’s sleep is not complete without sleeping at night. Many times you must have seen that when the lights are on at night or when sleeping in the daylight, people start sleeping by covering their eyes with a cloth. Now there is a need to think that what is the brain reacting in such a way that it has a direct connection with darkness and light.

why sleep comes early in the dark
Sleeping in the dark and waking up in the day are completely under the control of the brain. Actually, there is a hypothalamus in the brain. Its size is like a peanut. The hypothalamus is in a group of nerve cells. It works to control sleep and brain activity. Apart from this, the suprachiasmatic nucleus is also present in the form of thousands of cells in the hypothalamus. Its work is that as soon as light falls on the pupils of the eyes. Its information should reach the brain immediately. As soon as the brain gets the information of light, it tries to become active or it has already happened. This can happen from any kind of light. While against the darkness does not react that much. For this reason, sleep comes early, good and deep at night.

brain stem also plays a role
The brain stem also plays an important role in sleep. The brain stem is directly connected to the hypothalamus. It works to control the state between waking and sleeping. Sleep stimulating cells in the hypothalamus become active. At the same time, it makes the activation of the stimulation centers in the brain stem a little more sensitive, so that better sleep can be achieved. REM is the state of sleep, in which a person is dreaming while sleeping in deep sleep. In this state, the brain stem sends messages to the brain so that other parts of the body can also relax.

sleep for seven to eight hours
Doctors say that it is very important for a healthy person to have healthy sleep. It is considered fine for seven to eight hours. Even if you are sleeping for 6 hours, even then it is not such a big problem. But sleeping less than this can cause problems like anxiety, depression, weakening of the immune system. If you are sleeping more then that is also the root of the disease. It can be the cause of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease. Apart from this, sleeping less and sleeping more continuously are also symptoms of many diseases.

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