Delhi Election 2025: On the New Year, former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has written a letter to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and asked many questions. Aam Aadmi Party chief spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar said that BJP leader Pravesh Verma is openly distributing money. Does RSS support BJP buying votes by paying money? He alleged that BJP leaders are applying to remove names of Dalits and Purvanchalis from the voter list. In such a situation, is RSS standing with BJP?
Priyanka Kakkar said that Arvind Kejriwal has sought answers to many questions from RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. Now it remains to be seen what is the reaction of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. Countering the allegations of BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi, Priyanka Kakkar said that before becoming the Prime Minister, the PM Modi Had also promised to deposit Rs 15 lakh in the account. The question is whether the promise of Rs 15 lakh was fulfilled. It was announced to provide permanent houses to everyone. Hope was raised to provide electricity and water to every corner. Farmers were also given the promise of doubling their income.
Arvind Kejriwal wrote a letter to RSS Chief
He asked Sudhanshu Trivedi to answer the questions. Congress State President Devendra Yadav said that government will not be formed in Delhi without Congress. AAP’s chief spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar hit back at Devendra Yadav. He said that this time Congress and BJP are together in the assembly elections. He said that BJP is speaking under the guise of Congress.
What did AAP spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar say?
He said that the Congress leader maintained silence on the distribution of money by Pravesh Verma. AAP’s chief spokesperson said that this time Congress and BJP are fighting the Delhi Assembly elections together. Lok Sabha elections Arvind Kejriwal campaigned for Congress candidates. Congress did not campaign for AAP candidates. Priyanka Kakkar said that the statements of Congress leaders reveal collusion.
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