Aadhaar Card Update: If you want to update photo, address etc. in your Aadhar card, then you can do it for free. You now have a chance to update your Aadhar card details for free. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended the last date for free Aadhaar card updating to December 14. Till this deadline, you can update your Aadhar card details without paying any fee. You can do this by visiting My Aadhaar portal. If your Aadhaar is 10 years old and you have not updated any details yet, then you can take advantage of this opportunity.
What updates can be done
You can change photo, address, gender, name, date of birth etc. in Aadhar card. Apart from this, you can also change the mobile number and email linked to Aadhaar. To update Aadhaar card details, you may need documents like ration card, voter IT, passport, address proof. You can easily update Aadhar card details offline also. For this you will have to go to the nearest Aadhaar center. For updating Aadhaar offline, you will have to pay a fee of Rs 50.
Process to update Aadhaar card details
- Step 1. First of all you need to visit Aadhaar website. https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/ But have to go.
- Step 2. Now log in through OTP.
- Step 3. After this your profile will appear. Now update the information you want to change.
- Step 4. Now attach the proof and submit it. The size of the document should not be less than 2 MB. The file format should be JPEG, PNG or PDF.
- You won’t have to make any payments as there are no fees. You can update only that information online which does not require demographic update.
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