If you want to travel around the world while earning a lot of money and you are not afraid of heights, then making a career in the aviation industry can be a better option for you The aviation industry is not just limited to travel and passenger service, but it also binds the nation together by transporting people from one place to another and increasing interaction with loved ones or new people. Besides transporting tourists from one place to another, it also plays an important role in the development of the country is.
Becoming a pilot is a different kind of thrill
Airplane or helicopter To fly 3 years B.Sc to become a pilot Aviation degree course has to be done is. It includes airplanes and helicopters flying to Related studies are conducted In this course, the fields of aviation, engineering and space engineering are taught It also includes space engineering, Aviation Covers various subjects such as safety, aircraft construction, navigation, aircraft operations are. Any normal pilot is required to Hours i.e. aircraft flying is. The more the air hours, the higher the salary he can get which is in lakhs.
Studying airport management is also beneficial
Diploma in Aviation Management is a one year course in which subjects related to airport management are taught It covers staff management, safety, security management, cargo management and functioning of the airport Related details are taught are. This course 10th or Can be done even after 12th is.
Aviation Hospitality also has immense potential
Diploma in Aviation Hospitality is a specialized diploma course that prepares students to provide services in airlines, airports, hotel industry and aviation-related fields . This is a way of preparing for the responsibility of direct communication with passengers or customers The course is integrated with the courses that impart expertise in communication, aviation, hospitality, food and beverage production, front office, operations etc. to meet all types of passengers and people and provide them better service Sake. Apart from this Aviation Many institutes also offer MBA in Management Yes.
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