After Canada and France, demonstrations have started against Kovid restrictions in Australia as well. Thousands of protesters marched in the capital Canberra to protest against making the Corona Vaccine mandatory. Thousands of people completely jammed the capital. Police said more than 10,000 protesters protested peacefully.
These protesters were demanding the federal, state and regional governments to end all health orders mandating Kovid-19 vaccination. Police arrested three people on Saturday. About 100 people tried to enter the Parliament building by breaking the barricade. However, the police said that the behavior of most of the protesters was correct.
A large number of protesters have camped in the Exhibition Park in Canberra. The police have warned the protesters that they will be arrested if they do not vacate the place by Sunday.
what did the PM say,
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Saturday that protesters are raising their voice for the things they are feeling. The Commonwealth government, he said, supported only those mandates that pertain to older workers, disabled workers and those working in high-risk situations in the health system. All other orders which are related to vaccines have been implemented unilaterally by the state governments.
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