The marriage of Govinda’s niece and TV actress Aarti Singh is still making waves on social media. New videos are coming out one by one, in which glimpses of fun moments from the wedding are being seen. While Aarti Singh is having a great time at her in-laws’ house after marrying the prince of her dreams, her wedding photos and videos are continuously going viral. Recently a new video surfaced which is of actress K Jaimal. This video is quite funny. In this, tension is being seen between the bride and groom’s side.
Jaimal’s video is funny
In the video that surfaced, Aarti Singh and her businessman husband Deepak Chauhan are seen standing with Jaimal in their hands. In the video you can see that when Aarti Singh moves forward to put the garland around Deepak’s neck, he starts retreating. She tries hard. His brother Krishna Abhishek and friend Karan Singh Grover come forward to help him. He lifts her in his lap, but even after this she is unable to put the garland. Meanwhile a lot of pushing and shoving takes place. Kashmir Shah also pushes the bride king several times and asks him to lower his head, but then Deepak Chauhan shows his gentle style. He sits on his knees and bows his head with great love for his wife Aarti. Then Aarti garlands him and kisses him lovingly as soon as he stands up. After this Deepak garlands him. Everyone becomes very happy and excited.
Watch video here
Now Aarti is enjoying married life
Let us tell you, Aarti married Deepak on 25 April in Mumbai. Aarti, who was the fourth runner up in ‘Bigg Boss 13’, was currently seen in the show ‘Shravani’. Now the actress is spending her wonderful time after marriage. She is enjoying life with her husband. These days she is completely seen in married avatar. Aarti Singh looks very beautiful with bangles in her hand and vermillion on her forehead. Remember, the actress was dreaming of marriage since the days of ‘Bigg Boss’. She used to talk about her fancy marriage in the show also. Now finally this dream of his has also been fulfilled. Her entire family was seen together at the actress’s wedding. Uncle Govinda also forgot his resentment and attended his niece’s wedding.
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