Amit Malviya On The Kerala Story: BJP’s IT department chief Amit Malviya has claimed that despite the Supreme Court lifting the ban on ‘The Kerala Story’ in West Bengal, theaters are not screening the film. The local administration in Kolkata is threatening theater owners. They are being threatened with ‘punitive action’ for screening. The state government is running its arbitrariness.
The Supreme Court lifted the West Bengal government’s ban on the film. Even after this, despite all the efforts of the distributors, the theater owners are not showing any interest in screening it. On Saturday (May 20), cinema halls here did not screen ‘The Kerala Story’ for the second consecutive day.
Mamta Banerjee had announced the ban
In fact, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had announced a ban on the film on 8 May to ‘maintain peace’. The state government claimed that if it was displayed, there was a possibility of communal disturbances. Banerjee described ‘The Kerala Story’ as a perverted film whose purpose is to defame the southern states.
After the Supreme Court lifted the ban on The Kerala Story in West Bengal, not a single theater in Kolkata is screening the movie, when they were all running houseful before Mamata Banerjee clamped down. Cinema hall owners are being threatened by the local administration with punitive…
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) May 20, 2023
The ban on the film was lifted by the Supreme Court
Subsequently lifting the ban on ‘The Kerala Story’, the Supreme Court allowed its screening with a disclaimer that “the film was a “fictionalised version” and there is no authentic data on the claims of the number of women converting to Islam”. . However, even after this, its screening is not happening in the state.
‘Threats being given to theater owners’
Now BJP leader Amit Malviya has written on Twitter that even after the Supreme Court lifted the ban on The Kerala Story in West Bengal, not a single theater in Kolkata is screening the film. Before Mamta Banerjee banned all the theaters were running houseful.
He claims that now cinema hall owners are getting threats from the local administration. The BJP leader has claimed that he is being threatened with cancellation of building and fire licences.
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