Elon Musk said on Monday that Twitter will release a new update this week. This update will limit the ability of Twitter blue users to send DMs to people who do not follow you. A Twitter user posted, My DMs have just become bot central. It was never bad. For this, an account focused on providing Twitter news commented. Your DM spam should drop significantly in the coming weeks.
Update will be released this week
Musk replied, it is expected that the update will be released this week. As I have said many times, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between AI bots. Soon it will be impossible. The only social networks that survive will be those that require verification. Payment system is a means of verification which increases the cost of the bot by 10,000.
users’ thoughts
Many users expressed their views on Musk’s post. Twitter Blue was supposed to fix this, but instead of being a form of verification, it just turned into a pay-to-play feature, said one of the users. Let ppl scan their id, something like that. Another commented, The bot problem is getting out of control. Thankfully the verification system will help to remedy this.
Meanwhile, last week he had said that Twitter would soon start paying creators on the platform for advertisements served in their replies.
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