Sanjay Raut: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah had raised questions about the non-holding of the meeting of India Alliance and its leadership. He had said that no meeting has taken place after the Lok Sabha elections. If the alliance was only till the Lok Sabha elections then it should be ended. It has neither any agenda nor any leadership.
Now the reaction of Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut has come to light on this statement of Omar Abdullah. He said, “Once this alliance breaks, the INDIA alliance will not be formed again.”
MP Sanjay Raut said this
On the INDIA alliance, Shiv Sena UBT MP Sanjay Raut said, “We fought the Lok Sabha elections together and got good results. After that, it was the responsibility of all of us, especially the Congress, to keep the INDIA alliance alive, sit together and guide it further. But So far Lok Sabha elections Not a single such meeting has taken place since then. This is not right.”
He further said, “Leaders like Omar Abdullah, Mamata Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav, Arvind Kejriwal all say that the INDIA alliance no longer exists. If such a feeling comes in the minds of people, then the biggest party Congress is responsible for it. There is no coordination, there is no discussion. This means that there is doubt in the minds of people about whether everything is fine in the INDIA alliance or not. If this alliance breaks once then the INDIA alliance will not be formed again.”
Priyanka Chaturvedi had expressed hope of meeting soon
On the question raised by Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah about the absence of a meeting of the India Alliance and its leadership, Priyanka Chaturvedi told IANS, “It is absolutely true that no meeting has taken place since the Maharashtra and Haryana elections. But if we look at the proceedings of the Parliament, then on whatever issues were there, the parties of the India Alliance came together and presented their views and if any decision had to be taken, then a Everyone took the decision together. However, there is no doubt that the meeting of the India Alliance is necessary. It is important to keep in mind what the future strategy will be. We hope that the meeting will be held as soon as possible.”
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