All India Weather Update: After the rain and hailstorm last Friday in the capital Delhi, the weather is being felt a bit cool. According to the Meteorological Department, experts believe that the next week may start with light rain here. Meanwhile, strong winds have also worked to cool the weather. According to IMD, the maximum temperature in Delhi on Sunday was 25.2 degrees Celsius as normal and the minimum temperature was 12.1 degrees Celsius as normal.
Light drizzle has also been recorded in some areas of Delhi this morning. At the same time, the humidity level was 40 to 93 percent. According to the Meteorological Department, the reason for the change in weather in North India is Western Disturbance. Under its influence, there is a possibility of light rain in the central parts of UP, Punjab and Haryana. Apart from these states, there may be heavy rains in the southern parts of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, West Bengal and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Seeing the sunshine in Bihar, people started saying goodbye to the cold. But on Sunday morning it rained in many districts of Bihar. Meanwhile, strong winds have brought cold once again in the weather. According to the Meteorological Department, it may rain here in the coming two days, while this process of strong winds will continue for a few more days.
After rain and strong winds on Friday and Saturday, Punjab got relief from the cold as soon as the sun rose on Sunday. According to IMD, the weather will be clear here tomorrow and the day after. Although the weather is expected to change from March 1 and due to the activation of Western Disturbance from March 2, the clouds will return to Punjab again.
Due to the active Western Disturbance, there was heavy rain in Haryana on the previous day, while reports of hailstorm were also coming to the fore. After this, people have started feeling cold again in the evening due to strong wind. Let us tell you that before Sunday, the cold had said goodbye in Haryana. Due to the sun, people were feeling the heat during the night.
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