Sonu Sood On Munni Badnaam Hui Song: Bollywood actor Sonu Sood is in the news these days for his recently released film ‘Fateh’. The actor’s film hit the screens on January 10. Earlier, the actor was busy in the promotion of the film and gave interviews at many places. Meanwhile, Sonu Sood revealed that the hit song ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ from ‘Dabangg’ was his song, but Salman Khan suddenly entered it and took the limelight.
In a recent podcast given to Shubhankar Mishra, when Sonu Sood was asked whether ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ was his song, Salman Khan intervened. On this, the ‘Fateh’ actor said- ‘I had told Abhinav that I want a song in the picture. He asked how will the song come, so I said if it is an item number, then put it. Whatever he said is fine, let’s do it.
Sonu Sood’s song was ‘Munni Badnam Hui’
Sonu Sood said- ‘The song ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ came, Farah Khan was singing, I said Farah yaar, make such a step that the song should be a hit, I have only one song. Two-four days before the song, Abhinav said that there are two things, one is good news and one is bad news. I said what a good news I hear. So he said that that scene of yours was suitable. But he is Salman Bhai, he wants to come in the song.
‘If the song is mine then how will they come in between’
Sonu Sood further told that at first he was angry after hearing about Salman Khan’s entry in ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’. However, later he felt that whatever happened was good. He told Abhinav Kashyap- ‘I said brother, if the song is mine then how will they come in between. So he said that he would raid. I said how will you raid like this, I have only one song and why are you doing this. Whatever happened in the end, it happened for good, people remember that song.
Fans came in support of Salman Khan
After this statement of Sonu Sood came to light, Salman Khan’s fans have started making their presence felt on social media. Fans of the Dabangg actor believe that ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ became a hit only because of Salman Khan. One fan wrote – ‘Only when Salman Khan came in between, that song played so much and became a super-duper hit.’
Another commented- ‘If Salman Khan had not come, the song would not have been a hit.’ Apart from this, a person commented – ‘If Salman Bhai had not come, which song would have been a hit?’
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