Team India’s opener Shikhar Dhawan will be seen in a different style in this IPL. He has made a slight change in his look. He has also shared the picture of this change on social media. He has put a photo of his new look on his Insta story. With this photo, he has given the caption, ‘I love my new hairstyle.’
Shikhar Dhawan is out of the T20 and Test series against Sri Lanka. Now he will be seen directly in IPL. This time in IPL he will be seen playing for Punjab Kings. In the auction, the Punjab franchise bought him for 8.25 crores. In the auction, he was included in the list of marquee players, whose first bid was made.
can be captain
Many franchises had shown interest at the summit, but in the last, Punjab won the bet and included them in their team. The Punjab team has not yet announced the name of its captain. In such a situation, these reports are also coming out that the Punjab franchise can hand over the command of the team to Shikhar Dhawan.
Shikhar Dhawan is currently regularly being a part of Team India’s ODI squad but he is not being included in the team for T20 and Test matches. Recently, Shikhar did not get a chance in the T20 against West Indies and earlier in the Test series against South Africa. While he was part of the Indian team in the ODI series against these two countries.
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