Prashanth Neel Apologies To Shah Rukh Khan: Prabhas’s film ‘Salaar’ released last year proved to be a blockbuster. The film proved to be a blockbuster at the box office. ‘Salaar’ faced Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘Dinky’ at the box office. This film was directed by Prashant Neel. Now Prashant Verma has apologized to Shahrukh Khan and ‘Dinky’ director Rajkumar Hirani in an interview.
Speaking to CNN News18, Prashant Neel said that he deliberately did not keep the release date of ‘Salaar’ with ‘Dinky’. Prashant said- ‘This was the only date we had. We also apologize to the (‘Dinky’) team. He had already announced. The date of his film was announced.
Prashant Neel apologizes to ‘Dinky’ team
Prashant says- ‘They had announced the release date of the film a year ago, hence the entire team of ‘Salaar’ apologizes to the team of ‘Dinky’. We did not want such a situation to arise. They are great, Shahrukh sir and Rajkumar sir are great. We did not want such a situation. But this happened only because of astrology and everything else.
‘Saalar’ defeated ‘Dinky’
Let us tell you that Shahrukh Khan starrer film ‘Dinky’ was released on 21 December 2023. The very next day i.e. on 22nd December, Prabhas’s ‘Salaar’ hit the theatres. There was competition between both the films at the box office. In terms of collection, Prabhas’s film Shahrukh Khan Had defeated. While ‘Saalar’ had earned a total of Rs 406.45 crore at the box office, the total collection of the film ‘Dinky’, directed by Rajkumar Hirani, was Rs 227 crore.
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