Saif Ali Khan Attacked Mumbai House: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been attacked. Armed robbers attacked the actor’s house at 2 am on Thursday night. His body was stabbed not once or twice but six times. Currently he is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital in Bandra. According to the police, Saif Ali Khan also had a clash with the robbers, but it is not yet known what was the reason behind the attack on him. Saif Ali Khan may not be so active in the game of cricket, but his father used to be a professional cricketer.
Saif Ali Khan’s father’s name was Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, who died in 2011 due to deteriorating health. Mansoor has played cricket for India in the 1960s and 1970s. He made his international debut in December 1961 while playing a test match against England. In his career, he represented Team India in 46 test matches, in which he scored 2793 runs. 6 centuries and 16 half-centuries also came from his bat.
Became captain at the age of 21
During the England team’s tour of India in 1961/62, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi scored a total of 222 runs in five innings with one century and one half-century. He made an important contribution in India winning the first Test series in history against England. Just a few months later, he became the youngest captain in the history of Test cricket in the world. Mansoor took over the captaincy of the Indian team at the age of 21 years and 77 days.
The world record of becoming the youngest Test captain remained in the name of Mansoor for almost four decades. In 2004, Tatenda Taibu broke Mansoor’s record by captaining Zimbabwe at the age of 20 years and 358 years. He played his last match in 1975 against West Indies, in both innings of which he scored 18 runs together.
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