Russia Rice Import Ban: Russia has taken a tough stance regarding the import of rice from Pakistan. He has again warned Pakistan to ban the import of rice. Russia says that if quality is not taken care of in future rice consignments, imports will be banned again. Let us tell you that Russia had earlier also banned rice imported from Pakistan after insects were found in rice. However, it was removed later in 2021. Such a warning has been given again by Russia.
In fact, Russia’s Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) agency has accused the consignment of rice imported from Pakistan of violating international and phytosanitary rules. A notification has also been issued regarding this. It was told that a type of insect has been found in the consignment of rice that came from Pakistan on April 2. Russia has issued a notice to the Pakistani Embassy regarding this and asked them to immediately investigate the matter.
According to the notice, Russia has asked the concerned official in the Pakistani Embassy to prevent such violations in future and to follow phytosanitary standards to ensure the safety of agricultural products.
Notice issued
According to the report, the Pakistan Embassy has sent this notice of Russia to the Plant Protection Department of the Ministry of Food Security and concerned officials. It says that the matter should be investigated immediately and the investigation report should be sent to Russia to avoid any kind of ban on rice export.
Ban was imposed earlier also
Let us tell you that Russia had earlier imposed a ban on similar grounds in 2019, which remained in place for almost 2 years. It was removed after several rounds of talks between officials from both sides. Earlier in December 2006, Russia had also stopped the import of rice from Pakistan for not meeting the food safety standards. Russia had banned imports from Pakistan due to insects being found in rice.
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