Attack on Hindu Temple in Canada: Canadian MP Chandra Arya has condemned the incident of attack on Hindu-Canadian devotees by Khalistani extremists in the Hindu Sabha temple complex in Brampton. He condemned the violence, saying Khalistani extremists have crossed a red line that highlights the rise of violent extremism in Canada.
Arya shared a video of the attack on “How violent and shameless Khalistani extremism has become in Canada.”
Accused of taking advantage of freedom of expression laws
He further said, “I think there is some truth in these reports that in addition to Canada’s political system, Khalistanis have also infiltrated our law enforcement agencies.” The Canadian MP further expressed concern that Khalistani extremists are taking advantage of Canada’s freedom of expression laws and are getting a free pass to do all this.
A red line has been crossed by Canadian Khalistani extremists today.
The attack by Khalistanis on the Hindu-Canadian devotees inside the premises of the Hindu Sabha temple in Brampton shows how deep and brazen Khalistani violent extremism has become in Canada.
I begin to feel…— Chandra Arya (@AryaCanada) November 3, 2024
Made this special appeal to the people of Hindu community
Arya further said that as I have been saying for a long time, Hindu-Canadians must come forward to protect the safety and security of their community and hold politicians accountable while claiming their rights.”
There have been attacks on temples in Canada many times before.
Arya has earlier also raised the attacks on Hindu temples in Canada. In July, Arya had expressed deep concern over the violence directed at Hindu-Canadian communities. In a post he then wrote, “The Hindu temple BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Edmonton has been vandalized again. Over the past few years, Hindu temples in the Greater Toronto Area, British Columbia and other places in Canada have been vandalized with hate. Used to be.” Last year, a Hindu temple was vandalized in Windsor, drawing widespread condemnation and calls for action from both Canadian and Indian officials. Temples were similarly targeted in earlier incidents in Mississauga and Brampton, which drew strong reactions from the Indian community in Canada.
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