Ranbir-Alia Wedding Anniversary: Hindi cinema superstars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are considered to be the favorite pair of B-Town. Fans’ favorite couple Ranbir and Alia celebrated their first wedding anniversary on 14th April. Meanwhile, now news is coming that Ranbir Kapoor has given a very expensive gift on the occasion of Alia’s first wedding anniversary. Knowing the price of which you will definitely be shocked.
Ranbir gave this gift to Alia
Recently, Ranbir Kapoor was spotted at the airport with a Chanel bag. Due to which it was inferred that this bag was definitely taken by Ranbir for wife Alia Bhatt. On the other hand, on the occasion of the first wedding anniversary, Alia and Ranbir were also spotted on the side of their new house.
A video of this occasion has been shared by Manav Mangalani on his official Instagram handle. In this video you can see that a similar pink color Chanel handbag is seen in Alia’s hand. Now it is being speculated that Ranbir has given this handbag to Alia on the occasion of her wedding anniversary.
This bag of Alia Bhatt is very expensive
Meanwhile, the price of a bag like Alia Bhatt has come to the fore on the web site of an online store. According to which this bag is made of goat skin. According to the US dollar, the cost of this bag is around $12,250. On the other hand, on the basis of Indian rupee, the price of this pink colored Chanel classic handbag is being estimated at more than Rs 10 lakh. However, there is no official confirmation yet whether Alia Bhatt got this bag from her husband Ranbir Kapoor or not.
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