Sirohi SP Anil Beniwal showed seriousness on the whole matter. And gave strict instructions to Pindwara police station to arrest the accused. SP has told that Talsaram Garasia, a resident of Saranphali Azari of Pindwara police station area, gave a report and said that it is our ancestral path to visit the house of his family’s brother Veermaram Garasia, but for the past two-three days, other members of the Veermaram family Brother Prabhuram was demanding a route from Garasia’s farm to his house, on which Prabhuram told him to take the route from his farm as it was an old road. Had refused to give it.
Died in Palanpur Hospital, Gujarat
He further said that on December 4, 2024, Prabhuram went to his fields for irrigation. When he had gone, Veeramaram and his son Vikram Garasia, seeing him alone, attacked Prabhuram on the head with sharp weapons like axes. In which he got seriously injured. Prabhuram died due to serious head injuries during treatment at Palanpur Hospital in Gujarat. After that the family again came to Pindwara with his dead body.
Police raided the possible places of the accused
The Pindwara police took immediate cognizance of the incident of murder. Raids were conducted at several possible locations to arrest the accused who had absconded after committing the murder. The police have arrested the accused Veermaram Garasia through their informer. Advance investigation is underway.
Tushar Purohit’s report from Sirohi.
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