Retinal Detachment :Aam Aadmi Party leader and actress Parineeti Chopra’s husband Raghav Chadha has undergone eye surgery in London. While giving Raghav’s health update, his party leader Saurabh Bhardwaj said that he had a serious problem in his eyes. Because of which his eyesight could be lost forever. According to the report of Hindustan Times, it has come to light that there is a hole in the retina of Raghav Chaddha’s eyes. Quoting some reports, it has been said that he had the problem of retinal detachment. According to reports, he is now recovering well. In such a situation, the question is what is retinal detachment and what is the surgery done in it…
Why do holes appear in the eyes?
Experts believe that a small hole forms in the middle of the retina, which is also called a macular hole. Its exact cause is not yet known but it may be due to eye injury, swelling in the retina, inability to see far from one eye, diabetes, retinal detachment or formation of a stain on the macula.
Why is retinal detachment dangerous?
Retinal detachment is a very serious eye problem. According to the National Eye Institute, the retina is the part at the back of the eye, which is the light sensitive layer. In this disease, it slips from its place, causing retinal detachment.
What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?
1. Dark spots or lines before the eyes
2. Dazzling of one or both eyes in light
3. Seeing a black shadow on one side in front of the eyes
Must be done to avoid retinal detachment
According to the National Eye Institute, retinal detachment is a disease that occurs due to aging. Therefore its prevention is not easy. However, eye injury can reduce its risk. If you get injured while playing, you should wear safety glasses while working.
Which surgery to avoid retinal detachment
Surgery is done to remove retinal detachment, retinal wrinkles or blood from the front of the retina, which is called Vitrectomy surgery. According to experts, in this surgery one side of the eye is numbed and then a small incision is made in the white part and the disease is cured with the help of small tools.
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