Bhopal Fire Incident: Politics has intensified in Madhya Pradesh regarding the fire in Satpura Bhavan located in Bhopal. The Congress is attacking the Shivraj government of Madhya Pradesh regarding this incident of fire. Senior MP Congress leader and MLA Jeetu Patwari has claimed that the MP government has burnt the documents of its corruption in this fire. Apart from him, National President of Youth Congress Srinivas has also made the same claim. He said that on one side Priyanka Gandhi blew conch shell, while on the other side Satpura Bhavan caught fire, process of erasing the evidence of corruption started before the departure of the government.
‘Burned documents of corruption’
Regarding the fire incident, Jitu Patwari said, “Satpura Bhavan caught fire again today. The government with 50 percent commission burnt the documents of its corruption. This fire has not happened for the first time, before this fire happened on September 18, 2018. Why does this fire happen only in Satpura Bhawan? The survey is in favor of the public. There is a message among the public that the Congress government is coming to Madhya Pradesh.”
‘The sins are blotted out’
At the same time, Congress MLA PC Sharma has also besieged the Shivraj government regarding the incident of Satpura fire. He tweeted, “Fire in the health directorate office of Satpura building. If there is a fire in the government record building before elections in any state, then understand that the government is gone, the crimes have been erased. CM Shivraj and his government, it’s time to go.” Is.”
fire fighting continues
On the other hand, the monitoring of fire extinguishing is being done continuously by CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan. On the instructions of the CM, the administration along with the Municipal Corporation has immediately called the fire brigades from Army, IOCL, BPCL, Airport, CISF, BHEL, Mandideep and Raisen. CMO officials are also continuously monitoring the entire operation along with the district administration. According to Bhopal Police Commissioner Hari Narayan Chari, now only the fire is left on the upper floor, the rest of the floors have been brought under control. Blasts are taking place in gas cylinders and ACs, which may take some more time.
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Watch: Fierce fire broke out in Bhopal’s Satpura building, government documents burnt to ashes
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