Pitru Paksha 2024: After completing the worldly journey and death, the ancestors reach the other world. It is said in the scriptures that there is neither food nor water in the other world. In such a situation, when the sons and grandsons perform tarpan and shraddha for the ancestors, the ancestors are satisfied and bless their descendants to prosper.
During Pitru Paksha, the ancestors hope that their descendants will perform their Shradh, Tarpan or Pinddaan and with this hope, the ancestors come to earth during Pitru Paksha in the month of Ashwin. In such a situation, when the Shradh of the ancestors is not performed, they become very sad and return to their world after cursing.
Those who do not perform the shraddha of their dead ancestors during Pitru Paksha may have to face serious consequences and have to face troubles throughout their life. Let us know what happens if shraddha is not performed.
- The pituitary looks like: If the Shraddha of ancestors is not performed, then Pitra Dosh occurs. Because by not performing Shraddha and Tarpan, the ancestors remain dissatisfied and instead of blessing their descendants, they cause them pain.
- According to Markandeya Purana, in a family where Shraddha is not performed, long-lived, healthy or brave children are not born. Also, auspicious works are not performed in such a family.
- Also, those who do not perform Shradh or Tarpan for their ancestors always get trapped in false accusations without fault, and they have to bear humiliation throughout their life. Such people never get respect in the society.
- Not performing Shraddha rituals during Pitru Paksha has a bad effect not only on your life but also on your children. Not only this, the future generations are also affected by it and they too have to bear its bad consequences.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.
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