Pawan Singh: After the entry of Bhojpuri actor Pawan Singh in the politics of Bihar, the excitement has intensified. Pawan Singh announced on Wednesday that he will contest the Lok Sabha elections from Karakat in Bihar. After this announcement, there is going to be an exciting contest from this seat. In Bihar NDA, this seat is with Upendra Kushwaha’s party RLM. Party chief Upendra Kushwaha himself is contesting from this seat. At the same time, this seat is with CPI(ML) in the Grand Alliance. CPI(ML) candidate Raja Ram Singh Kushwaha is contesting from this seat.
At the same time, AIMIM has also fielded a candidate from Karakat seat. AIMIM has given ticket to Priyanka Chaudhary.
Pawan Singh can contest as independent
Pawan Singh will contest Lok Sabha elections from Karakat in Bihar. Pawan Singh made this information public on Wednesday through social media. However, he has not given information from which party he will contest the elections. It is believed that he can contest the elections as an independent candidate. Due to this, political heat has increased on Karakat seat. This seat has been hot for Bihar before. From here, former Union Minister and RLM chief Upendra Kushwaha contests the election. This time also he has got this seat in NDA.
Karakat becomes hot seat after Purnia
Those close to Upendra Kushwaha have made it clear that only Upendra Kushwaha will contest the elections from here. In such a situation, after Purnia, this seat is going to be the most discussed. Voting is to be held in Karakat Lok Sabha constituency on June 1. On the day of voting, the people here will now decide to whom they will give their blessings. Currently, Mahabali Kushwaha of JDU is the MP from Karakat Lok Sabha seat. He won the 2019 Lok Sabha elections by defeating RLSP candidate Upendra Kushwaha.
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