Saif Ali Khan Attack: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an unknown thief, after which he was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital. The doctor told that his condition is fine now. Discussions regarding this matter have intensified in India as well as in Pakistan. Former Pakistan minister Fawad Hussain has given a controversial statement regarding the attack on Saif.
‘Muslim actors safe in India’
Pakistan has started spreading propaganda against India regarding the attack on Saif. Former Union Minister of Pakistan Chaudhry Fawad Hussain posted on X that Pakistan will have to stand up for the rights of Indian Muslims. He said, “The attacker entered actor Saif Ali Khan’s house and attacked him six times with a knife. Since the rise of Hindu Mahasabha, there is a serious threat to the lives of Muslim actors.
Pakistani users only replied
On this post of the former minister of Pakistan, many users from his own country raised questions on him. A user named @Muneeb_Ul_Haq replied, “What is happening in Pakistan, we should first fix ourselves, what fight are we fighting for rules and regulations in the country.” On this, Fawad Chaudhary said, “We have our own issues in Pakistan, but it does not mean that we should not advocate for the people of Kashmir, Gaza, India’s minorities and other groups.”
The attacker has been identified
Regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan, the police said that the attacker used the stairs to escape, during which the maid working in the house also made noise. The attacker at Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra apartment was seen in CCTV footage on the sixth floor. The actor himself lives on the 12th floor.
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