Srikanta Mahata Viral Video: West Bengal’s Mamta government minister Shrikant Mahato has given a big statement against corruption in the party. After his statement, the troubles of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) leadership have increased. In a viral video, Minister Shrikant Mahato has said that, “Many TMC leaders are looting money, while honest workers are being ignored by the top leaders of the party. The party calls these loot eaters its property.”
In the viral video, TMC MLA Shrikant Mahato during a meeting of his workers is seen saying, “TMC leaders like June Malia, Sayani Ghosh, Sayantika Banerjee, Mimi Chakraborty, Nusrat Jahan are misusing their power. If I have the resources, I cannot be in the party. I tried to convince everyone from Abhishek Banerjee to Subrata Bakshi, but they were not listening to me, did not want to understand.”
“Party is ignoring honest people”
Shrikant Mahato said that, “We tried to reason with all the top leaders, but they did not listen. They are telling these people good while ignoring the honest people. Although I would like to tell the people of Paschimanchal (Western Districts) every I will work to give the right to livelihood in the best possible way.” TMC MLA Shrikant Mahato said that TMC is listening to thieves and robbers.
TMC sent show cause notice
TMC has issued show cause notice to Shrikant Mahato for this statement. On this, TMC district coordinator Ajit Maity said that Shrikant Mahato has been given a show cause notice for his statement. His statement has damaged the image of the party. Maiti said in response to the show cause notice, Mahto expressed regret and apologized to the party leadership. However, Srikanta Mahata refused to comment on this.
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