New Delhi: Malayalam film ‘Premalu’ will now be released on OTT platforms after having had a successful run at the theatres. ‘Premalu’ was so popular and successful down South that the film was also dubbed into Telugu and Tamil as well. Even the dubbed versions of the film have collected good numbers at the box office.
For those who missed the film in theatres, here is good news for you. ‘Premalu’ will be available on OTT platform Disney+Hotstar from April 12 onwards. Earlier, the film was supposed to release on March 29 however, that did not happen.
Shyam Mohan M, Meenakshi Raveendran, Akhila Bhargavan, Althaf Salim, Matthew Thomas, and Sangeet Pratap play key roles in the film. . The alluring soundtrack by Vishnu Vijay enhances the movie’s charm.
On Tuesday, Disney+Hotstar Malayalam also shared the update on their official Instagram handle and wrote, "The love story goes viral! #Premalu will be streaming from April 12th, only on Disney+ Hotstar!"
Take a look at their post.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Disney+ Hotstar Malayalam (@disneyplushotstarmalayalam)
Directed by Girish AD who has also co-written the romantic comedy ‘Premalu’ was bankrolled on a budget of less than Rs. 4 crores. Thanks to word of mouth reviews from audiences and critics alike that the film has become a blockbuster at the box office.
The film has also entered teh Rs. 100 cr club and is infact the only the fifth Malayalam film to enter the club.
‘Premalu’ has been produced by Fahadh Faasil, Dileesh Pothan, and Syam Pushkaran under their production company, Bhavana Studios.
Along with ‘Premalu’, ‘Manjummel Boys’ is another Malayalam movie that was released in theatres. It is still doing well there and is scheduled to be released in Telugu on April 6.
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