The case of model and actor Harsha Richaria, who took initiation from Niranjani Akhara’s Peethadhishwar Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Kailashanand Giri, wearing saffron clothes and riding on the royal chariot and taking bath in nectar in Prayagraj Mahakumbh, is continuously gaining momentum. Now after Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati, Peethadhishwar Swami Anand Swaroop Ji Maharaj of Shakambhari Math, Bengaluru, who has come to Prayagraj Mahakumbh, has also expressed deep displeasure.
He has demanded the religious gurus and saints involved in this matter to repent and strict action should be taken against them. He has said that the female model could have sat on the chariot as a devotee and could have participated in the bath, but making her participate in saffron clothes is not only wrong but also against religion.
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