Prayagraj Kumbh Mela 2025: A video of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA T. Raja Singh is going viral on social media platform “X”, in which he has commented about the Mahakumbh to be held in Prayagraj. In this video, Raja Singh praised the grandeur of the Maha Kumbh Mela being held in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh and said that this fair is a matter of pride for every Sanatani. He congratulated the sages, saints and Sanatanis for this Mahakumbh.
Raja Singh made a comment in the video, in which he claimed that some Muslim people are saying that 35 acres of land where Mahakumbh is taking place belongs to the Waqf Board. The BJP MLA said, “Son, when Prayagraj was started, your people were not even born, since then Mahakumbh is being organized there.” He said that the negative comments of some Muslims about a holy event like Maha Kumbh are only an attempt to harass them.
Raja Singh’s appeal to UP CM
Raja Singh further said that “Some people understand only two languages, the first language is bulldozer, the second language can be understood by you.” He appealed to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh to answer those people in the language of bulldozer. This statement of Raja Singh which creates controversy on Mahakumbh and other religious events is surrounded by controversies.
BJP MLA’s controversial statement on religious history
Raja Singh said that the history of Mahakumbh is thousands of years old and when this event started, people of Muslim community were not even present on this earth. He said that if this historical event once again becomes a victim of controversies, then we may have to face more such incidents in the future. With this statement, the BJP MLA emphasized on religious history and asked to look at this issue from political and religious perspective.
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