MP News: The rains and hailstorms in Madhya Pradesh in the past have affected the wheat crop. To give relief to the farmers, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had also promised to buy low luster wheat at the fixed support price. Congress MLA Kunal Chowdhary has accused the government of cheating the farmers. They say that wheat is being procured at a low rate by filling the form.
Congress MLA Kunal Chowdhary has alleged in the press conference that the government is troubling the farmers by finding new ways. The attitude of the committees which purchase wheat from the farmers is non-cooperative. Farmers are asked to link their account with Aadhaar in the bank. Overall the farmer is being harassed.
‘Wheat production being procured at low rates’
As a result, the farmer is being forced to sell wheat at a cheaper rate. Chaudhary alleges that a form is being made to be filled by the farmers. It is clearly mentioned in the form that due to moisture in wheat, it is being bought at a low price. On the one hand, the government is claiming to buy moisture-rich wheat at the support price, while farmers are being cheated in this way. Not only this, the farmers have not been paid even after seven days. The MLA alleges that the societies no longer work for farmers, but for industrialists and businessmen.
The government is cheating the farmers-Kunal
He said, "The BJP government is working only for a few industrialists, businessmen and insurance companies. Rotten rice is being distributed in soyatis. Farmers’ income is being reduced." Chaudhary said, the surveyors are returning the crop saying it is wet. Farmers have to sell their crops in mandis at throwaway prices. The government issued an order that no crop of the farmer would be sold below the support price in the mandis. But the crop is being sold below the support price in all markets and the government is not taking any action on it.
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