New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday recalled when she was part of an episode of Aamir Khan’s TV show ‘Satyamev Jayate’. She shared a video clip from the show and shared that she once considered Aamir her ‘best friend’ before her much-talked-about legal battle with actor Hrithik Roshan.
Kangana took to Instagram, sharing a video of her conversing with Aamir on ‘Satyamev Jayate’. She also talked about how the ‘Dangal’ star used to guide and mentor her with her choices.
In the clip, Kangana could be seen talking about how she has consciously said no to dance numbers in Bollywood after she witnessed a young girl dancing to an item number.
She added captions: ” “Actually mujhe bhi kabhi kabhi kabhi woh din yaad aate hain jab Aamir sir was my best friend… jaane kahan gaye woh din.”
“One thing is for sure that he has mentored me, appreciated me, and shaped a lot of my choices, before Hrithik did that legal case on me. Post that they made their loyalties clear – it was one woman against entire industry.”
Kangana and Hrithik were engaged in a public tiff, after she talked about her “silly ex” in an interview. This led to mud-slinging, leaked e-mails, pictures and chats. The two sent legal notices to each other.
Kangana Ranaut’s recent attack on Karan Johar
Kangana has been known for speaking against many Bollywood celebrities, especially Karan Johar. She recently shared an old video of Karan Johar talking about being tagged as a “movie mafia” by her and that he is not “interested in working with her”.
Kangana took to her Instagram story, in which she shared the 2017 video with Karan’s comments and her reactions.
In the clip, Karan had said, “When she said ‘movie mafia’ what does she mean? What does she think we are doing? Sitting and not giving her work? Is that what makes us mafia? No, we do that by choice.” I do that because maybe I am not interested in working with her.”
The edited clip also had a segment of Kangana saying: “He said I am jobless and looking for job from him or something like that. I mean look at my talent and look at your movies. I mean really?”
She captioned the clip: “Chacha Chaudhary thanks for these frivolous outbursts when I establish myself as a filmmaker and producer… Will rub these in your face…”
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