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Indian Navy saved the lives of Pakistanis, what did Pakistani experts say, video goes viral

India-Pakistan: In recent times, the Indian Navy has once again saved the lives of 23 Pakistani fishermen from pirates, after which the statement of Pakistani diplomat Dr. Qamar Cheema has come to light. He said that the Indian Navy seems to be becoming stronger in the sea today and is continuously protecting foreign citizens from pirates. This makes it clear that the Indian Navy has now become very strong in the sea.

In fact, last week in the Gulf of Aden, 9 pirates from Somalia had captured 23 Pakistani fishermen and their ship at gunpoint, after which the Indian Navy, with the help of its fighter ships, rescued all the Pakistani fishermen after about 12 hours of operation. Saved safely and arrested Somalian robbers. During this, the citizens of Pakistan not only thanked the Indian Navy but also raised slogans of ‘Hindustan Zindabad’.

India is doing amazing work – Qamar Cheema
Pakistan’s knowledgeable Qamar Cheema has now uploaded a video on his YouTube channel, in which he has glorified the Indian Navy. He said that foreign powers act like this when they themselves get entangled in such matters or when they are very strong. Qamar Cheema said that by carrying out such a rescue operation, the Indian Navy has given a strong message to Pakistan, China and America that the Indian Navy can carry out major operations not only in its own area but also in other areas.

Modi government is getting benefit
Qamar Cheema said that this operation was not so easy, the Indian Navy has done wonders. He said that in such an operation the robbers can also open fire on the Navy. In such a situation, the operation has to be carried out in a very professional manner. Cheema said that many countries of the world have formed special forces against pirates, but India is getting more success in this. He said that it is very difficult to foresee the threat of pirates, which affects maritime trade and creates an atmosphere of fear in the world. India is doing excellent work in this. Qamar Cheema said that the current Modi government is getting political benefit from this.

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