If the heart blockage means that the veins of the heart are blocked, then the patients may have trouble breathing. Actually, due to blockage, oxygen in the body can be greatly affected. Due to this, there can be a lot of problem in breathing. Heart block can occur due to many reasons, including heart attack, coronary artery disease (CAD), heart muscle disease, heart valve disease and side effects of medication. CAD is a condition that limits blood flow to the heart muscle. And can cause heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm or heart failure.
If there is a serious blockage in the veins of the heart, then many types of symptoms appear on the body. It starts with the patients feeling dizzy. This is a serious and common problem. Therefore, it is very difficult to ignore it. Due to heart blockage, the body may have to face many problems.
What is heart block?
Heart block is a problem in which the signal for a heartbeat has trouble traveling from the upper chambers of your heart to the lower chambers of your heart. Normally, electrical signals (impulses) travel from the upper chambers of your heart (atria) to your lower chambers (ventricles). The signal passes through your AV node, a group of cells that connects electrical activity from your upper to lower chambers. If you have heart block, the signal rarely reaches your ventricles.
This results in the heart not working properly. Your heart may beat slowly or skip a beat. In severe cases, heart block can affect your heart’s ability to pump blood, which can reduce blood flow throughout your body. People are more likely to develop heart block later in life than at birth. Other names for heart block are atrioventricular (AV) block or conduction disorder.
The symptoms may vary depending on the type of heart block:-
First degree: There are usually no noticeable symptoms. But it can be detected with an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Second degree: This may include dizziness, fainting, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, and a feeling of the heart stopping.
Mobitz type 2: A more serious type of second-degree heart block that can cause chest pain, shortness of breath and sudden dizziness upon standing.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.
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