Exercise After Delivery After giving birth to a child, the mother is also reborn, therefore, after becoming a mother, special care of the body of a woman is required. Actually, during pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many ups and downs. Her weight increases and many other problems can also occur.
In such a situation, they want the right shape of the body after delivery. For this, diet and exercise are the best options. But there are many questions about how many days after delivery should exercise be started or should it not be done. Let’s know the answer to this…
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When to start exercising after delivery
Gynecologists say that after normal or cesarean delivery, one should take at least 6 weeks for exercise. During this time, one should try to avoid any kind of exercise or heavy physical activities.
Actually, after normal or cesarean delivery, a woman’s body becomes very weak. Its effect is seen on the stomach, back and hips, which gradually become stronger only after at least 40-45 days. Only after this should any kind of exercise be done. However, women can do light Kegel exercises after two weeks of delivery but before this, one must consult their doctor.
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What to do before starting exercise after delivery
Doctors say that light exercises like walking can be done within two weeks of delivery. However, before starting exercise, it is most important that you must discuss it with an expert or your doctor. Exercise should be started at the right time only after their advice.
keep this in mind too
Doctors say that after delivery, you should also take care that you become healthy both physically and mentally. You can do light yoga and pranayama. Apart from this, taking adequate amount of water can also be beneficial for the body. This can make the body fit.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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