Hajipur, A horrific road accident took place in Hajipur, Bihar on Sunday night. A high speed uncontrolled truck driver trampled many people. After having a feast in the village, all the people were returning home in a herd from the roadside. Meanwhile, the driver of the truck crushed him. Local people say that about 10 people have died in the accident. It is being said that many people have also been seriously injured. In such a situation, the death toll may increase.
It is said that children are also included in the dead. Children also went with their relatives to eat the feast. This incident is of Sultanpur village under Desari police station area of Vaishali district. After the incident, there was chaos among the villagers present on the spot. With the help of the local people, the injured have been taken to the district hospital.
Congress MLA reached the spot
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Congress MLA Pratima Das reached the spot after getting information about the incident. Expressing condolences on this incident, he said that as people are telling, there have been 10 to 12 deaths. Now we have sent the dead body for postmortem. The injured have been sent for treatment. DM and SP are also coming. Pratima Das said that people are saying that the driver of the truck was drunk.
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