Tunisha Suicide Case: The Tunisha Sharma suicide case is being investigated and the police is interrogating the alleged accused Sheejan Khan in this case. Meanwhile, the police have also questioned Tunisha’s family members. For this interrogation, he was ensured an intelligence place. Where the statements of Tunisha’s mother, aunt and maternal uncle were recorded.
According to the news, the police is looking for every connection of Tunisha with Sheejan Khan. According to a Time Now report, Tunisha’s mother, who came to the police station to record her statement, said that Sheezaan used to take drugs and she and Tunisha used to fight about it, as she wanted him (Sheezaan) to give up drugs and they used to take it. Used to argue about.
But she was in love so she didn’t mind it much and she must have let it go. Now the police is going to interrogate his family and see whether they knew about the drugs or not.
police sent sheezan kha for medical examination
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Today Sheejan Khan has been sent for medical examination and soon its report will also come. Well, as the days are passing, the matter is getting intensified and more details are expected to come out in the coming days.
Tunisha committed suicide by hanging herself in Sheejan Khan’s make-up room on 24 December. Tunisha’s mother had alleged that Sheejan had instigated Tunisha to do this.
Read this also- Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case: 1 hour before suicide there was a conversation between Sheezan and Tunisha’s mother, read latest update
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