Google Play Pass is now available in India and will start rolling out to Android phones in the country later this week. The service, which launched in the US in 2019, will give users access to over 1000 apps or games for monthly and annual subscriptions without any ads or in-app purchases. Play Pass subscription is currently available in 90 countries. Apple has a similar service, but only for games called Apple Arcade, which gives users access to select curated games.
Google Play Pass will come with a one-month free trial and membership will start at Rs.99 per month. Apple Arcade costs the same monthly as well, but Google users can also pay Rs 899 for the entire year. Google is letting Indian users go with a prepaid monthly option, which will cost Rs 109. In the US, membership costs $4.99 per month.
what to get in google pass
Google Play Pass will offer a curated collection of over 1000 titles across 41 categories from developers in 59 countries. This is a monthly subscription service, which costs Rs 99 per month. When a user accesses the apps in this list, the app will be free to use without any ads or in-app purchase options. Members of a Google Family Group can share a Play Pass membership with up to five other family members.
The search giant said it will continue to work with “global and local developers to add new games and apps every month” to ensure new apps are available on Play Pass. Some of the titles on Play Pass include popular games like Jungle Adventures, World Cricket Battle 2 and Monument Valley, Utter, Unit Converter and AudioLab, Photo Studio Pro, Kingdom Rush Frontiers TD etc.
how to get play pass on android smartphone
- First of all open Google Play Store on your Android Smartphone.
- Now tap on the profile icon coming in the top right.
- Now search for Play Pass. After that tap on it and follow the options coming on the screen.
- Keep in mind that users need to be on Android version 4.4 and Google Play Store app version 16.6.25 and above to use the subscription service. You will also need to add “a valid payment method” to your Google Account to start the service.
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