Gmail Blue Tick: Like the battle of Blue Tick has started between tech giants. After Twitter’s Blue Tick became a topic of discussion, the details of Meta’s Blue Tick came to the fore. Verification checkmark is not only a concept of Twitter or Meta, but YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok and many other digital platforms also provide verification tick. Even LinkedIn has recently introduced verification badges. Now it seems that Google is also going to start the game of blue ticks. It has been revealed in the latest report that Google is going to start blue checkmark in front of the names of some selected users in its Gmail service.
These users will get blue tick of Gmail
The company announced on Wednesday that Google is going to show a blue checkmark next to select Sanders’ names on Gmail to verify their identity, TechCrunch reported. New blue checkmarks will automatically appear next to the names of companies that have adopted Gmail’s existing Brand Indicator for Message Identification (BIMI) feature.
What is BIMI feature?
The BIMI feature was launched in 2021. Under this feature, the sender needs to use strong verification and verify his brand logo to show the brand logo as an avatar in the email. Now if you see a blue checkmark next to the name of a brand, it means that the brand has adopted the BIMI feature. Google says that this update will help users to identify valid sanders. As such, you can trust mail with a blue checkmark to be sent by the company itself.
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