Lok Sabha Election 2024 Phase 3: BJP MP from Nizamabad, Telangana Arvind Dharmapuri has come into controversy after a video went viral. Now clarifying on the matter, BJP leader Arvind Dharmapuri said, ‘This is a two-year old video and its issue was regarding the addition of the word ‘secular’ in the Preamble of the Constitution by Indira Gandhi, wife of Feroze Jahangir Gandhi, during the Emergency.
BJP MP Arvind Dharmapuri said that In this video, I was asked questions related to adding the word ‘secular’ to the Constitution of India. He told that In the year 1976, Firoz Jahangir’s wife Indira ji changed the Constitution to please the Muslim vote bank. ‘secular’ The word that was also added during the Emergency.
‘Congress took away reservation from SC and ST by changing the Constitution in 1981’
BJP leader Arvind Dharmapuri further said that first Indir Gandhi’s father broke this country into three pieces on the basis of religion and later, Indira Gandhi removed SC and ST reservation from a central university by changing the constitution in 1981. . Its name was changed to Aligarh Muslim University.
#WATCH , Nizamabad, Telangana: On his viral video on ‘social media’, BJP leader Arvind Dharmapuri says, “It’s a two-year-old video and the topic was the addition of ‘secular’ word in the preamble of the constitution by the wife of Feroze Jahangir Gandhi, Indira Gandhi during the… pic.twitter.com/J5lieiyyX8
— ANI (@ANI) May 7, 2024
Congress changed the status of many universities to minority status.
After this, in the year 2011, Sonia Gandhi, daughter-in-law of Firoz Jahangir Gandhi, changed the status of a center university to a minority status, due to which reservation for SC and ST was removed. The BJP leader said that if Congress remains in power in Telangana, then tomorrow you will also change the status of Osmania University and Hyderabad Center University.
He alleged that Congress leaders are saying that the literacy rate among Muslims is only 14 percent. Whereas, the literacy rate among Hindus is 80 percent. Therefore, most universities should be given minority status.
BJP leader Arvind Dharmapuri targeted Congress
BJP leader Arvind Dharmapuri said that in future Congress will transform Osmania University and Hyderabad Center University and remove SC/ST and OBC from it. Congress has done this many times. He said that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, grandson of Firoz Jahangir, will have to explain why you will deprive SC/ST and OBCs of education for how many more days by changing the status of the university and giving it to minorities.
Also read: ‘I promise…’, what did Arvind Kejriwal say on Supreme Court’s condition on interim bail?
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