Ambani Twins Baby Special Puja: Isha Ambani, daughter of Reliance Group Chairman Mukesh Ambani and director of Reliance Retail, has reached her home in Mumbai with her twin children. Where his family welcomed him grandly. Isha Ambani and her husband Anand Piramal (Anand Piramal) have reached their Mumbai home for the first time with their two twins (Adia and Krishna) on 24 December, due to which the Ambani family has organized a grand party.
Every celebration remains in discussions
The country’s big businessman Mukesh Ambani and his family are well known for their lavish functions. Every celebration of Ambani’s family remains in discussions. A grand party of the Ambani family is happening on this occasion. At the same time, there are fierce reactions on social media from the common people.
isha’s grand welcome
The grand welcome of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal is being seen a lot in viral photos and videos on social media. During this, the entire Ambani and Piramal family is visible. The Ambani family has hosted a special party for the grand welcome of the daughter and twins.
Will donate 300 kg gold in special worship
According to media reports, on this special occasion, the Ambani family has organized a special puja as part of a religious ritual, in which many eminent pundits of the country have been invited. At the same time, the family is also going to donate 300 kg of gold in this puja.
Preparation to open 5 orphanage
To make this occasion even more memorable, the Ambani family is also going to open 5 orphanages. Also, if we talk about organizing food, famous caterers from all over the world have been called in this.
Photo-video going viral
The common people are quite surprised to see this function of the Ambani family. Giving their reaction through social media. Many people have congratulated the couple and the Ambani family. The marriage of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal was also done with great fanfare in 2018, many Bollywood celebrities were seen in this marriage.
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