Discussions have started regarding actor Manoj Bajpayee’s famous web series ‘Family Man 3’. There have been very few such web series in India whose second season has also been a hit after the first season and now the audience is eagerly waiting for the third season. According to the reports, ‘Family Man 3’ can be released by the end of the year 2022. Makers have also started work on the script of the series.
According to media reports, during the climax of ‘Family Man 2’, the makers gave a hint of season 3. Makers Raj and Krishna are doing the scripting work by cracking the idea for Family 3. As soon as the script is completed, the shooting of the series will also start. According to the reports, the series will also be released soon. The role of actress Priyamani (South Actress Priyamani) along with Manoj Bajpayee in the Family Man series is being considered for sure. Along with this, it is being said that the makers are discussing the names of other actors as well.
Let us tell you that in Season 2 of Family Man, Sharib Hashmi, Priyamani, Shreya Dhanwantri, Sharad Kelkar and Samantha Ruth Prabhu were seen in the negative role. This was Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s first OTT series and her acting and performance in it was so bang that everyone became crazy about her. According to reports, the makers of Family Man Series Makers are currently working on another project as well. After the completion of which there is a possibility that the shooting of ‘Family Man’ will be started.
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