Delhi News: The Special Cell of Delhi Police, achieving great success, has arrested Lawrence Bishnoi and four gangsters of Kala Jathedi gang. These miscreants were carrying out the crime on the instructions of Goldie Brar and Kala Rana sitting abroad. The Counter Intelligence Unit of Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested 4 sharp shooters of Lawrence Bishnoi gang after an operation on Sunday night. The names of the arrested miscreants are Akash, Amit and Rahul and Pankaj. On January 27, he brutally murdered a person named Pramod Bajad in Alipore police station area.
Gangster Goldie Brar running gang from Canada and Kala Rana Thailand
According to Delhi Police sources, both gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and Kala Jathedi are currently lodged in jail. The names of these two also came up during the Sagar Dhankar murder case at Chhatrasal Stadium in Delhi. When Sagar Dhankar’s strings were connected to these two big gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Kala Jathedi. According to the police, since the two gangsters were lodged in jail, gangster Goldie Brar sitting in Canada and miscreant Kala Rana sitting in Thailand used to give instructions to them.
Recently, many incidents were executed
According to the Delhi Police, the arrested miscreants also carried out the Jagdev murder case in Rohtak on 6 January and the double murder of Mohit Rana and Vishal on 20 January in Ambala. According to the police, dozens of cases have been registered against these miscreants in the past. At present, the police is taking further action against all of them.
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