Eknath Shinde on Salman Khan: Maharashtra CM on firing incident outside actor Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai Eknath Shinde Says, “This is an unfortunate incident. The police is investigating it. The accused will be caught and strict action will be taken against them.”
CM Eknath Shinde further said, “Those who take the law into their own hands will not be spared. Mumbai Police Commissioner has been informed to assess the security of Salman Khan and his entire family and increase security. I have also spoken to Salman Khan It is said that the government is with them and they do not need to worry.”
#WATCH , Mumbai: On the incident of firing outside the residence of actor Salman Khan in Mumbai, Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde says, “This is an unfortunate incident. Police are investigating it. The accused will be caught and stringent action will be taken against them. Those … pic.twitter.com/GQXlrgMxTl
— ANI (@ANI) April 14, 2024
After the firing incident outside Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai’s Galaxy Apartment, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has also spoken to Bollywood superstar Salman Khan on phone. The incident occurred around 4:51 am on Sunday when the criminals fired several rounds outside Galaxy Apartment and the accused fled away. In the CCTV footage, people riding bikes have been captured moving rapidly towards Salman Khan’s residence. While the police are actively searching for the suspects, security arrangements have also been increased around the area.
Let us tell you here, since the firing incident, the Eknath Shinde government of Maharashtra has been on the target of the opposition. A big statement has also come out from Mahavikas Aghadi leader Sanjay Raut, MP Priyanka Chaturvedi and Congress’s Varsha Gaikwad.
read this also: Important clue in the firing case outside Salman Khan’s house, police found motorcycle, investigation continues
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