New Delhi: Chiyaan Vikram has wrapped up shooting for ‘Thangalaan’. The national-award winning actor shared the announcement on social media with a post on Tuesday evening. The ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ star shared a picture of himself with the director of the film Pa. Ranjith and leading lady Parvathy Thiruvothu. He also shared a picture from after the film shoot in which he is seen in his character alongside Malavika Mohanan.
Taking to his official Twitter handle, Vikram shared, “And it’s a wrap!! What a journey!! Worked with some of the most amazing people & had some of the most evocative experiences as an actor. #thangaalan Was it just 118 working days between the first pic & the last. (sic)”.
And it’s a wrap!! What a journey!! Worked with some of the most amazing people & had some of the most evocative experiences as an actor.
Was it just 118 working days between the first pic & the last.
Thank you Ranjit for making us live this dream. Every single day. #thangaalan— Vikram (@chiyaan) July 4, 2023
The news of ‘Thangalaan’s wrap up was also announced in the most fun manner. A video of the cast and crew of the film was released on social media by the makers where they shared the same news. In the video, Vikram is seen in a clean-shaven look with a mustache and a pair of sunglasses.
Behind all the serious making and hectic shoots, it’s a wrap, filled with all the laughter and smiles for #Thangalaan
We will see you all soon ❤️@Thangalaan @chiyaan @beemji @kegvraja @StudioGreen2 @officialneelam @parvatweets @MalavikaM_ @PasupathyMasi @DanCaltagirone,
— Studio Green (@StudioGreen2) July 4, 2023
Malavika Mohanan, known for playing the lead in the blockbuster ‘Master’ with Thalapthy Vijay is playing a key role in ‘Thangalaan’. The actor took to Instagram to share a heartfelt note after the film’s wrap and said, “I don’t even know where to begin.. A film that came my way in the most unexpected way at an unexpected time, a film that tested my physical, mental and emotional endurance in a way nothing ever has, a film where I got to collaborate with some of the most talented artists, not to mention some of my favourites. You have artistically spoiled me @ranjithpa @the_real_chiyaan & the rest of the team, and set the bar too high. Who will match this now 😭😅 It’s finally a film wrap and I’m going to wallow in existential crisis for a few days. If blood, sweat & tears was a film, this literally would be it. #Thangalaan ♥️♥️♥️ (sic)”.
‘Thangalaan’ is one of the most-awaited Chiyaan films. The film went on floors in 2022. Set in the pre-Independence era in the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF). The film’s announcement teaser was unveiled last year along with a special glimpse on Vikram’s birthday.
The cast of ‘Thangalaan’ also includes Pasuathy reuniting under Pa. Ranjith’s direction after Sarpatta Parambarai (2021), English actor Daniel Caltagirone, Harikrishnan Anbudurai, Muthukumar, Preethy Karan, Arjun Prabhakaran among others.
Produced by KE Gnanavel Raja’s Studio Green in association with filmmaker Pa. Under Ranjith’s Neelam Productions banner, ‘Thangalaan’ is slated to be released sometime in 2024.
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