New Delhi: The highly anticipated ‘The Vaccine War’ by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has been making headlines since the time it was announced. Now, with the shoot for the film being wrapped up and the film gearing up for its release, the excitement around it has been high. This also comes from the fact that Vivek Agnihotri’s last release ‘The Kashmir Files’ was a blockbuster and perhaps one of the biggest films of 2022.
Though not much has been revealed about ‘The Vaccine War’, many have reported that the film will open certain chapters about Indian Bio-scientists and indigenous vaccines. The film will pay tribute to the dedication of the medical fraternity and scientists during the uncertain times of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Taking to social media Vivek Agnihotri shared a lengthy post about his upcoming film ‘The Vaccine War’ and updated his fans about the same. He wrote, “Before 2014 we used to see our leaders standing in a corner with drooping shoulders and begging bowl. In geo-politics, India was just another over-populated, developing country in conflict with Pakistan. What has changed? A lot of critics might say its the optics management. They are utterly wrong. Geo-politics is ruthless. Diplomacy works on economy, military power, mutual help & cooperation. There was no “India Story’ before 2014. Prime Minister Narendra Modi changed that. He told a promising ‘India Story’ to the world. Not just in promise. But also in execution.”
“No country cares about you if your economy isn’t really strong and promising. A ruthlessly capitalistic country like the USA doesn’t care about you if they have nothing to benefit. Be it Trump or Biden, we have seen that the USA’s love for India has been increasing manifold. The message is clear – India is an emerging superpower. And a true friend in need. The real shift took place during the COVID crisis. Most of the agencies and even some of our own people had written off India. it was believed that maximum deaths would take place in India. The world saw how wrong they were. FOREIGN VACCINE and PHARMA lobbies waged a war against India and tried to arm-twist and blackmail India. Like they used to do in the past. Many powerful groups in India helped them in this war against India. Like they used to do in the past. CHINA blackmailed us for masks and PPE kits.
US tried to cancel the supply of vaccine resources” His detailed post added.
He further wrote “For the first time since independence, India is being recognized for its civilizational values. And that is why you are seeing world leaders either touching feet or they are eager to hug the Indian Prime Minister. A hug to Prime Minister is a hug to India. To us. To our future. – Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri” He signed off.
Because… #boss
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) May 23, 2023
‘The Vaccine War’ will be released on August 15, 2023, in 11 languages, according to Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri and producer Pallavi Joshi.
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