It is true that various electronic gadgets including mobiles have become a means of qualitative change in life in many ways, but in the recent past, there have been many news regarding the use of social media among children which not only give goosebumps but also It forces the entire society to think about what will be the condition and direction of our society if it moves away from social values, family values, ideals and traditions. It was not known when the children’s insistence on using mobile phones became an obsession and when this obsession increased their tendency to commit murder and suicide. Many social media and gaming applications are continuously taking advantage of this addiction, stubbornness, obsession and hypnotism of children.
The sting of being away from the real world in the mirage of the reel has started affecting the lives of children in every way. The habit of repeatedly checking statistics and staying updated on various media gives rise to a strange restlessness in children, which gradually affects their mental health and changes their entire personality. Children are not able to understand the difference between virtual and real world and then they get entangled in that whirlpool from where it is not possible to come back.
Being addicted to something means becoming dependent on it for one’s mental and emotional needs and this is what is happening with electronic gadgets in the context of children. This addiction is more dangerous than any other addiction and affects everyone in the long run, from the personal level to the family and social level. How continuous use of gadgets in childhood or adolescence weakens us physically and mentally can be explained by the fact that the blue light emanating from the mobile or computer screen causes leakage of the hormone melatonin which controls the body clock of our body. Stops. Melatonin makes us feel sleepy. But because its leakage has stopped, we remain awake till late. And when one does not sleep properly then the possibility of mental stress like depression and anxiety increases.
A scale named Social Media Addiction Scale has been created in the Eastern European country Hungary. Through this we find out who is addicted to social media. With the help of this scale, it was found that people who are addicted to social media have little or no self-confidence. Most of them have also become victims of depression.
It is common to use gadgets like tablet or laptop before sleeping. The percentage of youth and children who do this is very high. Children subconsciously become victims of the content that they watch on these electronic gadgets while sleeping.
Many psychiatrists believe that such games create such intense curiosity in children that they start taking it as a challenge and then go to some extent. Not long ago, an online game Blue Whale created panic all over the world, many cases of which were seen in our country as well. In this game, which can be played on mobile, laptop or desktop, the contestants have to complete 50 different tasks in 50 days and after each task, they have to make a mark on their hand. The last task of this game is suicide.
The content of online platforms is designed to inspire children to make assumptions about other people’s lives or bodies that are not realistic. Scientists have found that overuse of social media by children creates the same arousal patterns as other addictive behaviors. Today many children have become victims of WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, Instagram addiction disorder. This addiction is as dangerous as other addictions, but its most frightening aspect is that it takes away the innocence of innocent people, takes them away from their family and understanding, makes them physically and mentally ill and puts their entire future in jeopardy. p>
Children often become victims of stress posting due to their ignorance. This means that for some reason, out of anger, at a particular moment, children post something on social media and later regret it. But meanwhile, on the basis of the information or picture shared by them, they are exploited, threatened or blackmailed and incidents ranging from cyber bullying to sexual exploitation take place.
Actually, it is not known when and how children start using mobile phones. Undoubtedly, the responsibility of parents is very important in dealing with these situations and they also need to change their thinking and lifestyle, but it is the collective responsibility of the society to understand the seriousness of this problem and desirable efforts should be made at every level. Regular social media deeducation classes should be organized on various dimensions of social media usage, training sessions should be conducted in academic institutions and our children should be oriented towards family values and social responsibilities right from the beginning, before it is too late. Go.
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]
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