Salman Khan House Firing Case: In April this year, two youths had opened fire outside the house of Bollywood actor Salman Khan. After which the police arrested both of them. One of the two accused had allegedly committed suicide in police custody. While hearing the case, the Bombay High Court on Friday said that the death of Anuj Thapan, accused in the case related to the firing outside the house of actor Salman Khan, does not appear to be a custodial death.
The division bench of Justice Revati Mohite Dere and Justice Prithviraj Chavan said that there is nothing suspicious in this death case.
What is the matter?
On April 14, two men riding a motorcycle opened fire outside Galaxy Apartments, actor Salman Khan’s home in suburban Bandra area, following which on April 26, police arrested Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal from Gujarat and Thapan from Punjab. .
On May 1, Thapan allegedly committed suicide while in police custody. His body was found in the toilet of the crime branch lockup.
The court made this comment after examining the report submitted by the magistrate investigating the case. According to law, a magisterial inquiry is required to be conducted in cases of custodial death.
Mother of the deceased alleged foul play
Thapan’s mother Rita Devi had filed a petition in the High Court alleging foul play and claimed that her son was murdered. After considering the magistrate report, the bench said that “there is no doubt regarding the death” of Thapan. The court has fixed the next hearing of the case on January 24 and has asked Devi’s lawyer to see the magistrate’s report.
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