Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election 2023: Before the upcoming assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has made a big change in Indore. In place of State General Secretary Bhagwandas Sabnani, BJP has now made Raghvendra Gautam in-charge of Indore division. He has also been in charge of Barwani district.
Actually, only a few months are left for the 2023 assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. It is being said that the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is always in the election zone, is making new appointments at the divisional level even before the elections. In this episode, the state leadership of BJP in Indore made changes and appointed Raghavendra Gautam as the new divisional head. Earlier, Raghavendra was playing the role of co-incharge of the division.
Who is Raghavendra Gautam
Please inform that Raghavendra Gautam is basically a resident of Shivpuri district. He has also been a campaigner of the Sangh for a long time. He has also been the Vice President of Jan Abhiyan Parishad. Raghavendra Gautam is considered a skilled organizer. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, State President Vishnudutt Sharma, Organization General Secretary Hitanand Sharma and many veteran leaders of the state have been giving full importance to their suggestions in matters and decisions related to the organization. He has also been a department campaigner of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in Sehore and Rewa in the past. At the same time, he has been given a big responsibility as in-charge of Indore division, which is considered important from the point of view of the upcoming assembly elections.
It is worth mentioning that Raghavendra was playing the role of in-charge of Barwani district along with being a member of BJP’s state working committee. A few months ago, he was promoted and made co-incharge of Indore division. After this, he has now been appointed as the divisional in-charge. At the same time, speculations are being made that soon there will be a change in the city executive as well. In this, the leave of many office bearers is also being considered fixed.
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