Bihar News: Lok Sabha Elections There is police alert in Munger regarding this. Continuous action is being taken regarding security. On Sunday, the police arrested the notorious Mukesh Kumar alias Dulo Mandal, who was among the top 10 criminals of the district and had a reward of Rs 25,000. Many cases of murder, robbery, extortion and theft are registered in Bariyarpur and Jamalpur police stations in Dulo Mandal. Actually, the fourth phase in the district is to be held on May 13. Before voting, Munger police arrested Dulo Mandal, who was among the top ten criminals, from Ghoshpur. Similarly, Munger SP Syed Imran Masood said that all the policemen will be rewarded for this success.
There was a search in many cases
Criminal Dulo Mandal had contested the Mukhiya election for the first time in 2008-09. Where he contested the elections for his wife for the post of chief and she also won. During that period, he took charge of the Bariapur bus stand, but did not get success. Dulo Mandal’s cousin was a criminal with the help of whom he got the ownership of the Bariyarpur stand in 2015, but the fight for the Bariyarpur stand always continued. Two people were killed in the fight for supremacy. Dulo Mandal’s name had come up in the murder case. He was not arrested after that.
Dulo Mandal’s arrest was a challenge for the police
At the same time, more than dozens of cases of extortion, robbery, murder and theft are registered against Dulo Mandal in Jamalpur and Bariyarpur police stations. The arrest of Dulo Mandal was a big challenge for the police. Now, taking up this challenge, Munger SP Syed Imran Masood formed a team which, under the leadership of Munger Sadar SDPO Rajesh Kumar, started making strategies for the arrest of Bariyarpur police station and armed forces personnel Dulo Mandal. Dulo Mandal was arrested on Sunday with the help of technical investigation.
Also read: Bihar News: Man shot dead in Nalanda, police caught the miscreants by running film style
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